the title of this film goes along with the song ..."nothing left to do here, but unhook the stars".... After the death of her husband, Gena Rowlands finds herself in a big house, with no family, and nothing to take care of.
She begins to care for the young son of Marisa Tomei, who is involved with an abusive soon to be ex-husband. The actor playing her son does very well, he develops a relationship with Rolands, she becomes a surrogate grandmother.
Such a nice story, because it is realistic, and not overdone. Rolands has another son who lives in San Francisco, and wants her to move into his penthouse; when she realizes her daughter-in-law just wants a live-in babysitter, she says ..."No-I'm done"...; While she loves her children she now realizes it is her turn; her time to do something SHE actually wants.
At the end we see her packing up the house; her younger daughter is upset; there will be no more family home. But Rowlands realizes she is doing the right thing; her relationship with the young boy has faded; she now needs to do something for herself.
There are also a few amusing scenes with Gerard Depardieu, as a truck driver who she meets at a bar with Tomei and her friends. Overall a bittersweet movie which is a nice change, showing a mature woman re-discovering her life, and not taking care of everyone else, at the expense of her own identity. 9/10.