I saw this on HBO years and years ago and can't find it anywhere to see it again and see if it's still good or I'm just making it sound a lot better than it really was. I used to really like "life time" type of movies and this movie falls in that category. If I remember right the acting wasn't all that good and some of the lines were cheesy but what really hooked me was the story line with the classic boy meets girl, fall in love and boy is really a crazy guy. Only this one went even farther because it was about her choosing to get an abortion and the crazy boyfriend steps up and tries to stop her. So in a way you think that he's not all that bad even though he is and she's trying to do something that not everyone approves of. I remember just seeing it and thinking wow this is something new to the whole abusive relationship type of movie. So I really want to see this again so I can if it's a good movie or not. Because when I first saw it I was just starting middle school maybe.