this is a compelling,engaging mini series based in part on a real life event and the's long,clocking in at over 2 and a half hours(without commercials)but it never once failed to maintain my's basically about how a young man of wealth and influence commits a horrendous crime,and because of the family influence and power,is able to cover it up for many years.i won't say what happens'll have to watch it to find out.i'm pretty certain most people will find this movie not only fascinating and engrossing,but also illuminating.even though it's a fictional telling of an actual event with fictional characters,both the characters and the event mirror real life people of wealth and privilege and how normal laws and morals do not apply to while you are being entertained,you also get a snapshot of the super wealthy and powerful as a bonus.this is really an ambitious production and it succeeds in what it sets out to do,in my mind.i wouldn't call it powerful's more sublime and it just kind of sneaks up on you as it moves toward it conclusion.nevertheless,it is still very effective.the acting in this movie is very good from people you wouldn't necessarily associate with the kind of characters they play in this movie.Brian Dennehy plays the family patriarch and gives a commanding performance.Patrick Dempsey plays a childhood friend of the family.Sherilyn Finn plays one of the daughters of the clan.Edward Herman has a what amounts to an extended cameo,but is terrific in his scenes.but it is Bonnie Bedelia who really impressed me with her character.she isn't in the movie for very long and not until close to the end,but in my mind,she really stand out. i won't say what character she plays because i don't wan to give anything away,even the smallest detail.for me, "A Season in Purgatory" is a strong 8/10