This TV series was one of a handful of originally produced comedies for TBS, Turner Broadcasting. Along with shows like "The New Leave It To Beaver" and "Down To Earth," "Rocky Road" was not anything original. It had been done before: people inherit a business (ice cream parlor) from family and have to make a go of it. Airing on weekends, given a Friday time slot, "Rocky Road" was still an entertaining enough show. It provided a constant series of good enough laughs that one didn't waste their time if they watched it. Better than "The New Leave It To Beaver," but not as good as "Down To Earth." Like many short lived sitcoms, "Rocky Road" is probably best remembered, by those who know, for its theme song: "Welcome to the home of the family's very own: Rocky, Rocky Road!"
While this series will probably forever languish in a vault, if tapes even still exist of it, if some station ever programmed it in, you won't be disappointed with investing 22 minutes into it. Lewis Arquette's character was my particular favorite, and well worth watching just for his appearances.