Crazy Moon is a love story about an introverted shy young man named Brookes played by Peter Sutherland who Meets a deaf girl named Anne played by Vanessa Vaughan. Brookes's brother Cleveland played by Peter Spence is a real loser who gets Brookes in trouble and has problems of his own. It was during one of Cleveland's pranks that Brookes meets Anne, The two brothers emotional problems stem from the fact that their Mother left them when they were at an early age.
The point of the movie is the way that the two young lovers Vanessa and Brookes who are from different backgrounds with their own emotional problems, help each other overcome their individual difficulties.
The film takes place in Montreal, and most of the scenes leave no doubt where it was filmed. There is so much music in the film; one could almost call it a musical. The music of the great big bands of the past adds to the film.
The lead actors Sutherland and especially Vaughan with the excellent direction of Allan Eastman make for a good sensitive love story.