Avonlea is a quality show for the family. Set in the Canadian Province of Prince Edward Island (actually filmed in Ontario) this show is based on the characters developed by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The beautiful Canadian scenery inspires you to dream of one day traveling to see this peaceful place. The series is rich with drama, comedy, and delightful characters that you, the viewer, will identify with. (My family surely identified with certain characters: I was like Hetty the spinster schoolteacher, my sister was like Olivia King Dale, and my mom reminded me of Janet King!) The shows will touch your heart...Sarah's new life at Rose Cottage, the romances of Olivia and Jasper, Felicity and Gus, Cecily's TB, Alec and Janet's late arrival! The fine Canadian actors are to be commended for making Avonlea a show to look forward to watching each week! I was sorry to see this fine series come to an end. It was a pleasure to watch.