It's been over a decade, and many of us still double-over with laughter just thinking about episodes of this insane sitcom, a Hellzapopin revue for the goofy, mannered talents of Chris Elliot. However, an equal number of folks see this show as nothing but stupid. Elliot, Resnick, and company probably see it that way too. There aren't many absolutes in life, but this is one of them: You'll either love or hate this show (and your feelings will be inextricably tied to how much you like Chris Elliot). There is NO middle ground. No one ever says that "Get a Life" is "just OK," "fair," or "I could take it or leave it." It inspires fervent reactions both pro and con. And in a plain vanilla world of network television, that's a good thing!
For me, my life is always a whole lot better when I think about "Spewey the Alien," "Zoo Animals on Wheels," and the "Toolbelt Wars." Those episodes are as fresh today as they were in the day. The trouble with Chris Elliot, I think, is that he has such a bizarre, almost off-putting sense of humor that a little of him goes a long way. (If you don't believe me, see "Cabin Boy.") Here's the perfect vehicle to enjoy his talents--in 22 minute chunks! Eat up!