After the original movie, mutated superhuman hero The Toxic Avenger (Ron Fazio) has been saving the town of Tromaville New Jersey and works at the Tromaville home for the blind with a new girlfriend named Claire who's also blind. However, the greedy chemical company known as "Apocalypse Inc." conducted by the evil Chairman who has plans on taking over Tromaville as Toxie goes to Japan to find his long lost father. Meanwhile in Tromaville, Apocalypse Inc. Has taken control of the town as it's bad news for Toxie but can he find his father so he can return to save Tromaville or will he fail?
Although very inferior to the 1985 cult classic that made Troma popular, it's still a funny sequel with good laughs and nice splatter here. The acting is still laughable by Troma standards especially the writing, but is missing is that Sarah the first blind chick is now replaced by another blonde bimbo named Claire and doesn't have any of the charm that the original cult masterpiece had.
It doesn't quite hold a candle to the original or "Citizen Toxie" but it's still an enjoyable sequel that isn't quite bad.