The film Seven Minutes partially dubbed in English and partially IN English (either that or great dubbing by actors Brandauer and American; Dennehy) is a great film. I may be inappropriately sticking my neck out here, but I believe this film, directed and stared by Brandauer has a very personal edge to it for him, relating to the actions of Hitler. Throughout the film it shows, in the late 1930s, Jewish citizens being taken away by the army or secret police (with rather stirring music). At this moment Klaus Maria watches on and seems to be a little shaken and quietly incensed by these actions. This film gives an insight into, how some Germans were clearly against what Hitler was starting to do to their country (those who, in reflection, weren't sucked into the propaganda of a powerful Germany). The love interest with Rebecca Miller and Klaus is nice and subtle with good humour in places. During all this, though, he is building a bomb using his skills as a clock maker, and awaiting Hitler's arrival to the Beer Hall (Munich), -where the story is set. During the building of the bomb and the placing of it, it is full of tension with Klaus appearing extremely determined and nervous with sweat. The acting of Brandauer is suitably magnificent. From what I've said, don't get the wrong impression it's a boring historical film (actually based on a true story of Georg Elser's attempt). It is full of suspense and can be watched as any other film of a suspense genre.