*this is my first review*
This movie us a masterpiece. The editing alone makes it one of the best movies ever made. The CGI for that time (1977) was above and beyond what was normal for that time, and rivals even movies coming out today, such as Avengers: Infinity War.
The brilliant script was enough to convince George Lucas to make Star Wars. Anyone can see that it is a blatant rip-off of this work of art.
One tiny flaw was the acting. It was, sadly subpar for a screenplay this astounding. I am forced to give it a 9.7 out of 10. (This saddens me deeply.)
In conclusion, I recommend that you watch this movie at least 71 times (to realize the true meaning). I have seen this ingenious film ~3000 times (coming up on 4 years and 2 months), and I'm still picking up on the subtle references. My daily routine involves me watching this film twice a day - in the morning and at night.
I would also recommend you force your friends and family to watch this. It will enrich your life and those around you tremendously. I had depression, my girlfriend broke up with me and I lost my job. I was on the verge of giving up until this movie stumbled into my life. I now have a loving wife, 3 kids, a steady job and an amazing best friend. I beseech all those that read this to watch the movie. Your lives are missing so much. I was lost until I found this. I never realized how much I was be missing until it stared me in the face.
(A metaphor for those that don't understand what I mean: you don't realize how cold you are until you lose your sweater. In the same way you don't know what you're missing until you see it right in front of you.)