This film is a humorless followup/sequel to Lindsay Shonteff's previous Charles Bind adventure, Number One of The Secret Service starring the very funny & charismatic Nicky Henson as Bind. In this adventure, it's Gareth Hunt(Mike Gambit of The New Avengers) who takes over from Henson as agent Bind and he lacks both a sense of humor and fun as well as panache and style that Nicky Henson brought to the role.Hunt's portrayal of Bind is similar or even worse than Timothy Dalton's portrayal of 007 in the 1980's. He plays the role like he is still Mike Gambit and his delivery of one-liners fall flat. It doesn't help either that this film has even less or no production values than the previous film and the action/fight scenes are more shoddily done than the first film. The film's only saving grace is Nick Tate of Space 1999 fame as Jenson Fury, Agent Ultraone who is Bind's opponent & opposite number in the film, who provides the right fun and humor in the role. Incredibly enough, Shonteff directed a third Charles Bind film in 1990 called Number One Gun starring Michael Howe as Bind that was never theatrically released!