Let me start off by talking about a small company called Cheezy Flicks. I have several titles from them at the moment so expect to see this first paragraph on each review. If you read it once you can skip that paragraph. When I first heard of Cheezy Flicks it wasn't in the nicest of terms. I heard the company put out substandard versions of movies for incredibly low prices. To say my expectations were low is an understatement. But I believe in giving a company a fair shake. I'm glad I did. To be honest the movies I've seen released by the company have gone from great to mediocre versions but here is the thing. For movie fans with low to zero budgets Cheezy provides a solid offering that is affordable. In addition to that they strive to give you the best version they possibly can. They also have picked up titles that few if any studios would bother with, low budget movies to be sure, but pure fun movies and in some cases movies that are actually quite good. An example is LET SLEEPING CORPSES LIE. One big name site is selling used copies of the movie for $36.00. Cheezy has it for $6. And it's a really good edition of the film too. So if you're looking to pick up DVDs at rock bottom prices new and can deal with a movies that can be a little blurry at time (not their fault but that of the film makers when these old films were made) then by all mean's give Cheezy Flicks a try. They're a small company but deserve your business. Enough said.
In the 70s drive-ins across the country were still thriving though slowly being filtered out. The invention of home video was a few years off. And so product was still being made to be seen on the big outdoor screens. Many of those movies featured women in various stages of undress, those same movies playing in low rent nasty theaters in bigger cities now referred to as grindhouses. But it would be a few decades before movies that played there would be in vogue simply because of playing there. So it was in 1974 when movie goers were exposed to the poster that would promise much for a movie that delivered less than expected. The movie was 2069: A SEX ODYSSEY. Aside from the obvious double entendre the poster told us to expect "a space comedy with the most exciting climaxes". So what was it that it did deliver?
The movie features five space women from Venus coming to Earth in search of sperm since there are no more men left on Venus. They land in the Upper Bavaria and in Austria's Rauris Valley ski area and pose as an Olympic ski team. Finding donors is the least difficult task these women will have once they meet men.
The problem is that to gather the necessary fluids they hook them up to what appear to be milking machines. Eventually the men explain there is another way of extracting what they're looking for and the women learn about sex from their more than eager partners.
Made in Germany on a definitely low budget the film isn't meant to be taken seriously. And it's not near as sex fueled as one would think from both the poster and the advertising. Instead this is a light comedy filled with semi to completely naked women but without the sex scenes you would expect. This wasn't a hardcore film by any means and more inclined to be comedic and titillating rather than sexy.
The end result is a campy film that fans of the genre will enjoy. Most others will wonder why anyone would think the film is funny. The term lost in translation is well used with this film. Still for the price Cheezy Flicks is offering the film for fans will want to make sure and pick up a copy.