Simon, King of the Witches is a real gem. This must be the most unusual movie of its type I have seen. I was captivated at the start when Simon introduced himself. There is so much going on in this movie you really need to see it more than once to understand the storyline, events and eventual ending. The team of Andrew Prine and his then wife Brenda Scott was fascinating and it's not the first time they have acted together. Brenda Scott has always impressed in the more unusual dramatic story lines but sadly this time the film let her down. Prine has charisma and Scott has beauty and both go well together. The only criticism I would make is that Prine "owned" this film. It was almost as though he needed to be in every scene to make sure it was a success. There could definitely have been more story lines for his co-stars but maybe that's the way it was intended. This movie is said to be hard to get and indeed my thanks go to the person who shared this on Youtube.