Prem Pujari is an action, musical romantic drama movie directed by Late Dev Anand and stars Late Dev Anand, Waheeda Rehman, Zaheeda, Prem Chopra, Late Madan Puri, Sachin, Late Nazir Hussain with Shatrughan Sinha and late Amrish Puri is a guest appearances.
This movie is directorial debut for Late Dev Anand Sahab.
The movie has an interesting plot but the execution of the movie is not that great and movie is not that gripping, also the length of the movie could've been trimmed to make the movie more gripping.
Acting should've been the strongest department with few of the greatest names of Indian Cinema working in the movie, I am a huge fan of Dev Anand Sahab and always liked his work but in this movie it seems that he was not at his best in terms of acting it could be due to dual responsibility of direction and acting he looked little off track. Waheeda Rehman was as always impressive, Zaheeda was surprisingly good in her debut movie and she acted like an experienced actress, Prem Chopra and Late Madan Puri had done villainous roles in many movies and were spot on. Late Amrish Puri left his mark in his very limited screen space and Shatrughan Sinha looked nervous could be because of his debut but was effective.
Screenplay of the movie is uneven and the continuity is missing, the more crisped screenplay would've made the movie more effective and engaging.
Late S. D. Burman was a magician when it comes to composing the music and music in the movie is melodious and charming and is still been heard regularly, 'Phoolon ke rang se' is always been my personal favorite song. Climax of the movie is predictable and is decent and gives happy ending which was a must for the movies of that generation.
Overall this movie is a decent one time movie which decent acting and mesmerizing music, The directorial debut of Dev Anand in the background of army and patriotism is a decent effort if not great.