I gave this series a 10 rating, not due to the rather dated plot lines, but because I enjoyed it so much as a kid. I never missed an episode. This was my first really serious fandom and I fell head over heels in love with Clu Gulager. While the series veers far from historical truth, you can't deny the appeal of the bad boy. Clu plays it with just the right mixture of sex appeal and being bad, all while trying to steer a better path. Barry Sullivan plays the lawman with a heart of gold beneath a stern veneer, and as mentor to this bad boy. Watching this series did no harm to me as a youngster; I had sense enough to realize it was fiction and did not become a delinquent simply because I watched it. I was heartbroken when it was canceled and I never forgot it for half a century. I was thrilled when it came out on DVD and am now enjoying it again, reliving part of my childhood. This is also the first series that launched a long career in fan fiction writing, before I even knew what that was - or that other people wrote such things. Those spiral notebooks, handwritten in pencil by as 12-year-old have long since vanished. However, this show inspired me to keep writing which I do to this day. Pure unadulterated entertainment you can watch, kick back and relax. You can't say that about many TV shows today!