Escape From Red Rock finds young Gary Murray having a lot of trouble in his town of Red Rock with his brother Rick Vallin riding with a gang of outlaws led by Brian Donlevy. He won't believe it but when Donlevy and gang come calling looking for a refuge with a badly wounded Vallin, Gary finds out the truth all right.
They get him involved with their next heist which is in Red Rock with a promise of medical help for Vallin. Well Vallin dies, Myron Healey as one of the gang shoots a woman in the getaway and Murray's soon on the run with fiancé Eilene Janssen.
In a plot gambit from a much better western Four Faces West the gang finds Murray and Janssen hold up in a cabin recently raided by Apaches with an infant girl left alive. After that tough outlaw Donlevy goes all sentimental.
The inevitable results happen, but this was so much better done by Joel McCrea and Frances Dee in Four Faces West. That was also a B production but a lot of care was taken with that. This one was decent enough, but done on the cheap.