Rosalind Russell -IS- Auntie Mame and there is no doubt in my mind that she being cast in the role was a perfect choice. I read Dennis' book and I have to stress that anyone who loves this film but who has not read the book should read it. I think they did a great job in adapting the novel to film although I could imagine the great temptation to include the very racy parts of the novel. If they did include them, the "G" rating would probably have needed to be changed to "R". One of my favorite lines in the film is delivered so expertly by actress Coral Browne (Vera Charles), who upon being wakened out of a drunken sleep (with bottle still in hand) looks out the window at the sun and says "Ohhh---that moon is bright". Another favorite line delivered by Russell (in Mame's comment about Vera Charles' phony English accent) "When your from Pittsburgh, you have to do something". Rosalind Russell brought such magic to the character of Auntie Mame so much so, that I wish I had an Aunt like her. Auntie Mame helps stress the point to appreciate diversity in life and to live life to the fullest. I have often chosen to watch my copy of this film when feeling low and I can tell you it is a spirit lifter.