They had a Hoot-Nanny.
...and the film about their life is a hoot... HOOTNANNY HOOT in fact from 1963 and filmed TV style on the MGM back lot one Tuesday afternoon before the bulldozer tore through the Andy Hardy street. One other comment on this site correctly identifies the same storyline as ROCK AROUD THE CLOCK and the remake TWIST AROUND THE CLOCK and now this remake... (stray TV Producer wanders into isolated rural utopia and - gasp - discovers it to be chock full'o new performers and their dancin pals all set to be ruthlessly exploited as their 'new music style' sweeps the nation) as a bumpkin drive in spectacular with a trolley full of plunkin pickin groups. All that is missing is Merle Haggard and Jayne Mansfield in a caftan (now available on DVD in LAS VEGAS HILLBILLES) ... HOOTNANNY must be well respected in Australia as we saw it at 8.30pm TCM time slot which for some misguided reason made it the most watched program of the night. Not that we couldn't have switched stations... why would you? HOOTNANNY HOOT is exactly that... trios of banjo fun with people who look dressed for church, matched by angular dance moves by young'uns who look like Barbie and Ken. Now if I can only see COUNTRY MUSIC JAMBOREE starring that Queen Of Outer Space: Zsa Zsa Gabor. I am soooo excited.