The story of the greatest Roman general of all time, is best read from his own commentaries. In this movie called " Ceasar the Conqueror " also taken from those commentaries, is a sad rendition of his life's conquests. In this tale,Cameron Mitchell plays Julius Caesar and for the most part does a good job. His story by the way is poorly portrayed in this Italian movie. The dialog is choppy as best and because of the translation problems, comes off as High Schoolish as best. The acting is poor and also very card board and stiff. Rik Battaglia plays Vercingetorix the best of the Gualic tribes and Carlo Tamberlani as Pompey, both comes off as hammy and unbelievable. Still, If audience members don't mind, the whole production will emerge as second rate as depicted by directed by Tanio Boccia. Here is one film, which should be relegated to the rear of the shelf. **