"The Phantom" is a proposed TV series that was rejected by the networks. It's based on the comic strip by the same name and this strip has been running in newspapers since the late 1930s. Its hero should have been easy to replicate on TV. After all, the purple body suit-wearing African superhero is much like Tarzan...but instead of a chimp sidekick, he has a German Shepherd named 'Devil'. Yet, amazingly, the pilot turned out to be amazingly flat instead of exciting.
The Phantom has learned that there is a prison where the prisoners are worked to death and tormented. So, he takes goes undercover (complete with an eyepatch) and learns the truth...the place is run by a sadistic woman (Paulette Goddard) and her hulking assistant (Lon Chaney Jr.). And, if a prisoner ends up being difficult, they let one of the homicidal prisoners (RIchard Kiel) beat them to death for kicks! Nice folks, huh?
It's a shame that the copy I found on YouTube was in rough condition. But, on the other hand, who is going to bother restoring a failed and dull TV pilot? My recommendation is that you see this if you are very curious or if you insist on watching every superhero film or show you can find. Otherwise, there's not much need to watch this.