When the story begins, the mobster, Vic (Jeff Chandler), is arriving in Italy. But it's not for vacation nor pleasaure...Vic was deported back to the country of his birth, as he's an 'undesireable' and just finished a five year sentence in prison. As for Vic, he doesn't seem especially reformed though his uncle and his family who take him in don't realize why Vic is in Italy...and they take him under their wing. But Vic has $100,000 in stolen dough hidden back in the States...and he plans on retrieving it and enjoying life with his ill-gotten gains.
The story is a definite change of pace for Chandler...not only because he plays a jerk but because of its locale. The film was actually made in Italy and it's nice seeing locations such as Siena. The story itself is pretty good and I think it's good enough that I actually considered giving the picture an 8.