This slightly less amusing sequel to Brother Rat is hampered by two performances. Wayne Morris' overzealousness and Eddie Albert's airheadedness (if that's even a word) tended to be more annoying than amusing. If their situations were written differently, perhaps, then maybe their characters' traits would have come across better. As it is, the only likeable Rat of the trio is the put-upon Dan Crawford, played by Ronald Reagan.
The women of Brother Rat and a Baby play a lesser role is this movie, much as they did in Brother Rat. That's a shame, too, since they are a very appealing trio, especially the beautiful 'Priscilla Lane' (qv), one of my all-time favorites. Although she does get top billing in this film, she doesn't have much to do. Too bad.
More interaction between the three main couples and less nonsense could've made this a much better movie.