Ceteris paribus, what'cha see is what'cha get. My "10" rating is relative, believe me! "B" Western fans watch these movies for a whole 'nother reason, so no sense in giving a Kael revue to this thing. This movie is almost a PRC "Gone With the Wind" if you consider the production values compared to most PRC efforts filled with ghost towns or towns with 4 citizens and a budget of 60 bullets. At times you can easily tell the stock footage from PRC efforts. Haven't seen, to my knowledge, the other segments of this PRC trilogy but the main thing that caught my attention is how Eddie (or someone) allows Lash to dominate many of the scenes in which they both appear, whereas in most of the Eddie efforts he is pictured as Superman on a horse. Eddie is off warbling to the trees while Lash is takin' care of bid'nes. If you're a "B" fan, you'll like this'un.