I completely agree with previous reviewer Don Miller. I just saw this film on the Encore Western Channel, and was laughing at how shoddy and hokey it was. I was curious to see Eddie Dean, because I 've always heard the name but never actually saw him. Well, my curiosity has been satisfied. He's not much to look at, extremely skinny like Barney Fife, and his acting is extremely amateurish. But, he's got two things going for him: 1) he has a beautiful singing voice, and 2) a beautiful horse. And now for the story....he plays an Indian agent who finds an orphaned Indian boy, appearing to be no more than 5 years old. He dresses him in Cowboy clothes, cuts his hair with a bowl, and plans on adopting him. All the characters fall in love with the boy, as do we. Eddie gets him a tiny pony to ride, and he dazzles us with his riding rodeo tricks. He seems to have no problem losing his parents and adapting to the white man's ways. And then, it all comes to a screeching halt when the outlaw shoots this lovable child in the back. I couldn't believe, that in a hokey, light-hearted musical, they would show the murder of a tiny child in this horrible way. So if Encore shows this again and you decide to give it a try, remember you've been warned.