Arguably the best of the Falcon series. The movie's a fast-paced, highly entertaining blend of mystery, atmosphere, and gentle humor. And who in production had the casting inspiration for the three little Ugh girls. Their bits are utterly charming as they pipe up like syncopated petunias. And I wasn't even put off by all the girls at the school mooning over a very dapper Tom Conway, apparently dividing his time here with Val Lewton's great horror films. He's perfectly cast as the urbane sleuth.
Rita Corday also shows some acting chops as well as beauty as the spooky Marguerita. Her psychic moments provide a good atmospheric touch. Also, those seaside scenes, especially along the cliffs, add a lot of local color. And speaking of atmosphere, credit that fine RKO team of art director D'Agostino and set decorator Silvera for taking time out from the Lewton series. Those quaking bushes, moody pathways, and elaborate interiors typify their expert hand. On a lesser note, the whodunit is rather routine, but develops into an exciting climax. At the same time, the cop humor from Clark and Gargan is thankfully understated for a change.
Anyway, in my little book, the movie's a minor gem among the many detective series of the movie-drenched 1930's and 40's.