This series is spectacularly cast and produced. For one of the first times the viewers get to see what people in that time and era might have actually looked like. And the first person perspective is a unique and different view on the greatest story ever told.
That being said, the content was confusing a good deal and contradicting the sources which it claims to have sited.
I can only speak from a Biblical point of view, being a scholar myself, and say that many of the portrayals contradict things that are portrayed in all the gospels-there fore should be included/referenced. As opposed to portraying characters as being confused when all sources indicate they were sure-I speak primarily of the John the Baptist episode that portrays John as not knowing who Jesus was after baptising him let alone claiming Jesus did not know who He was til he was baptised which contradicts the primary sourcing of this docuseries. This production is supposed to ONLY cover what other could have thought and does not have the authority to say Jesus thought anything aside of what the Bible says of him-as this production claims in advertisements.
So disappointed in that end.