The Smithsonian Museum Captain America tribute first seen in
Capitaine America: Le soldat de l'hiver (2014) is seen throughout the series. Many of the displays featured in it come from the MCU Captain America films including one of the posters being the 1st issue of Captain America comic book, the newspaper article of Captain America saving the child, the uniform of the Howling Commando named Pinkerton, weapons the Howling Commandos used in World War II, a newspaper article of the Howling Commandos destroying HYDRA factories, Steve Roger's 4F rejection form, Cap's poster as a war bond salesman, and Cap's bike and original shield from
Capitaine America: Le premier vengeur (2011) as well as the uniform Captain America wore in
Les Avengers: le film (2012). The Bucky section is expanded to include his time as the Winter Soldier and the Sokovia Accords.