"Minha vida em marte" ( dec,2018 ) is a sequel inspired by the movie "Os homens são de marte e é pra lá que eu vou" in which the main character, Fernanda (Mônica Marteli), lives a 40-years-old woman that found the love of her life and nowadays lives a crisis in her marriage. During the film, her gay best friend Anibal (Paulo Gustavo) helps her to overcome the divorce and teaches her in loving herself. All these things happen in New York. It is very sad, isn't it? haha
Paulo Gustavo is a talented comedian and his moments in the movie are very funny. I like his job, but it was not enough to save the script.
The feature is directed by Suzana Garcia, Monica Marteli's sister, a beginner in movies direction, maybe this explains something.
However, the movie's tickets sold until March 2019 and it exceeded the 5 million mark in Brazil. It's a good number.
Anyway, I think that this movie was not for me, and people of the same age as mine, because the plot is very boring and cliché. Nevertheless perhaps, there are a lot of people that live the same dilemma and identify with the movie.
I didn't like the plot and for this it is not recommended.