There's a lot of disparaging remarks about this movie already so I'm the devil's advocate from the get go.
Whilst this movie isnt' going to knock your socks off, I think it brought back some of the things I've missed in thriller movies - a proper ending, no major fantastical plot holes that would have stopped the entire movie from starting, no poor character backgrounds required to explain why the characters are acting suspicious. I think it's biggest drawback is that the very blurb tells you that something is going to happen, so you're sitting back, just waiting for it.
I get the feeling that the creators were going for "lets go for a straightforward thiller thats B rated" and in that way I think they achieved it effectively. If you seriously expecting something more from a blurb that starts wtih "In this indie thriller..." then you were misguided from the start.
Don't get me wrong, there ARE plot holes, there are wierd story twists but compared to so many crappy thrillers being released, the standards have dropped a bit so this one makes the cut in my books.
Is it worth a watch Netflix? Definately.
Is it worth watching with a group of friends seriously? Only if you all love the genre.
Am I being kind? No, there are a rediculous amount of lazy thriller movies out there now that don't even bother having an ending or hope their cheesy special effects will impress. These creators came with a goal in mind and achieved it.