Raphael has everything a man needs for a happy life - a successful writing career, plenty of fans and a devoted wife Olivia. He doesn't seem to understand the sacrifices Olivia has made to help him build his career, putting aside her own ambition... until one day Raphael wakes up in a world where he is a humble school teacher and Olivia is a world famous concert pianist. More than this - she doesn't even know who Raphael is. Will they be able to reunite? And at what cost?
The "What if" premise is the signature style of a French romantic comedy. LOVE AT SECOND SIGHT, however, examines an interesting dilemma - does one of the spouses always have to sacrifice his or her own ambition for the other to succeed? And can the cycle be broken?
Apart from this interesting premise the film doesn't have much in store. Action does not propel the protagonists' relationship forward and there's a lack of quirky hilarious and engaging situations that make romantic comedy really work.
Both Francois Civil and Josephine Japy look great in front of the camera but lack chemistry. They work better as best friends than future lovers. They are also too beautiful to be believable as an average couple.
LOVE AT SECOND SIGHT is something you have seen many times before, and there's little to praise beyond its high concept premise. As a piece of entertainment, however, it works rather well and never feels dull. If you love romantic comedies with a twist it may be two hours well spent.