Novice writer and creator of Escape Plan, Miles Chapman, had a great story and concept with the 1st film, flopped on the original premise in the 2nd film, and seems like he ran out of ideas and got lazy for this 3rd film. What happened to Stallone escaping OUT of prisons? Where was the tech and gadgetry for the "extraction"? Oh wait, exploding fire bullets? Pshhh give me a break. Then add major plot and scene issues. Again, lazy writing. The directing was lousy with terrible camera work and editing. The score was annoying and out of place. Basically an all-around cheap C-grade production, that even the original great lead cast couldn't save. The martial arts fight scenes were choreographed really well, but it felt like director John Herzfeld had shaky hands recording with his iPhone4. It's a shame this one couldn't even compare to the first film. The 2nd film was even better than this one. It's a very generous 5/10 from me - mainly for Stallone, Bautista, and the 5 mins we saw 50 Cent.