The show centers on two cats, Ollie and Moon, who are best friends. On each episode, they travel to a certain country by plane. I sometimes wonder where they get money for their air fares. I guess air fares are more affordable in the show than in real life. Anyway, let's go with this review.
Ollie is the boy cat who prefers a peaceful environment with no hassle. He's also quite reasonable and at times would come up with the smarter decisions.
Moon is the girl cat with a more upbeat and adventurous personality. Sometimes, she would do something foolish, thus getting her and Ollie into some trouble. She can also be stubborn in trying to do something that can't be done which would prompt Ollie to make her think otherwise. However, she also comes up with ideas called "brain storms" which leads them to wild adventures that would either result in trouble or a solution to a problem.
Whenever things between them get uneasy, Ollie and Moon would sing their cool theme song to remind them that they are friends, and that they could deal with any situation.