"Getaway" blends traditional survival, backwoods horror and occult themes. The story starts innocent enough with almost clinched breadth. A lot of the premise hangs on pulling out those expected tropes and lulling you into believing you have seen this film before, sure with other characters and a different title. However "Getaway" offers a twist within a twist that really works well, and is wickedly delicious.
The characters are strong, female driven leads that look comfortable and entertaining on screen. The cast give up their craft to these women easily, which makes "Getaway" captivating. The pace of the film is a little too slow burn but so much of the story's suspense rests on a even, tense pace to let dark nature of the situation unfold. For the most part it works, I would have liked a bit more amplitude after the twist begins but the film doesn't really suffer.
The horror elements are mostly atmospheric and sound driven moments of chilling interaction between "predator and prey". There is some kill sequences but mostly the nightmare is a series of subjective situations where protagonists face off with the antagonists. Still the twist reveals all, I don't want to spoil the ending. It is a clever one. Indie horror fans will definitely enjoy this one.