I Heard about this FILM. I have not watched a Lou Dimond Phillips Film in a Long time. So i thought OH OK it looked Cheesy but I will give it a WATCH.
Very surprised it ACTUALLY was a Very Fast past FILM. Great Story the young girl was very Smart and taught a Cop a thing or Two LOL. She wanted to be a Cop so BAD she was SMARTER than him. I really enjoyed the Story line. Seeing Lue again was Cool to because I have not seen him in anything in a while and this FILM. It was way better then I expected it to be. Great FILM for a Family night as well. There was No Swearing, No Nudity, No Fuielty, PRETTY MUCH A FAMILY FILM. FROM THE AGES I WOULD SAY 10 and up.
So if your a Family that likes Action, Comedy, No Fuel Language, FUNNY STUFF. ( There is a tiny bit of School picking on KIDS. But VERY VERY LITTLE BIT)-NOT TO THE POINT WHEN THE KID IS CRYING ABOUT IT. THE KID DEVENDES HIMSELF.
So if your a PARENT looking for a Decent FILM. The way Film's are made in the Last 15 years. This is one of the Better ones in my option.
Enjoy this FILM I give it a 8 out of 10. Because of course it was underrated. But that was WRONG BECAUSE IT WAS AND IS A GREAT FILM. NEVER LISTEN TO ROTTEN TOMATOES WHY?????