I was intrigued to check Sickhouse out, despite its generic title and premise, because the entire movie is shot through the Snapchat app. Now that sounds crazy on multiple levels, but it could be an interesting experience. How would the movie justify the camera-person shooting everything that happens? This is recurring problem with almost all found footage films; only it's amplified in this particular movie since it's not "shot" with a camera but a 10-second video app! The result is an empty movie with basically nothing happening throughout, and just when you think the movie is approaching what resembles a climax it falls back down into..nothing.
This is why found-footage horror became tiresome. Almost all of them follow the same path of 85% of the movie having no substance, action or character development/meaningful dialogue or even a proper justification of the "filming". Ending the last 10 or so minutes of it with the standard jump scares and slow camera pans on creepy-looking sets. Not to mention the bad-to-mediocre acting and annoying/uninteresting characters. Sickhouse is no different, and the Snapchat (made for mobile) gimmick adds nothing to the formula.