No that's not what this is about. Well on the surface it is about prisons. But generally speaking it's about a goverment, about a land keeping their citizens at check. And them going along with it. We see our main actress who just wants to send something. But the package never gets delivered. So she goes and tries to solve that issue, so the male this is supposed to reach gets it.
It's not even about the package or what is in it. It is about everything working against the ordinary citozen. In this case a woman who seems determined to get answers, but also easily swayed to not to. But circumstances don't let her go, even when she is warned and accepts to leave. This is harrowing and quite draining. To call its pace slow would be quite the understatement. Like saying, the main character doesn't talk much. She probably is us - the viewers ... viewing! Watching and trying to figure out what's going on.
Get out - one may think multiple times. But as I said that's easier said than done. And leads us to quite the memorable ending - even though expected - is it actually what happens? Do we know? And how dreamy does it get after it is quite "real" at the beginning. There is dreadfulness, there is pain and there is horror of the mind (and body) ... and there is maybe also the question: how come the director has not been arrested yet? Did he get lucky? Maybe Putin isn't aware of this or does not think this will reach a lot of people anyway ... and even if ... it's just a story, righ? Right?