To me the fifth and final chapter of Mythica was the best. It didn't need the comic relief bits, the sideline stories were kept to a minimum and the actors and probably the whole production team have reached their maturity and made a decent film throughout. Considering this is a five movie Kickstarter series, it is nothing less than amazing.
This doesn't mean Godslayer is a perfect film, but it was the perfect ending for the series. All the characters came together in an epic finale that left everything explained and brought closure to every hero's journey.
To me, the worst part of the series was the villain, who had everything: power, a good actor to portray him, armies of undead, but lacked the one thing that would have made him interesting: a story. I feel Mythica would have been a lot better with a villain one can empathise with. This became clear near the end of the final film when there was a sort of seductive quality in his attempts to corrupt Marek. With a fully grown character, this could have worked wonders, not only at the end, but throughout the series.
Bottom line: it is a fantasy story very reminiscent of Lord of the Rings. There is a hero that has to choose the fate of the world and resist temptation from a magical yet evil artifact, while her friends must lend their support and strength to keep said hero on the right path. While not the very best of film making, it was entertaining and refreshing and I am glad to have seen it all. I can't wait for more stuff to come from Arrowstorm Entertainment.