Unlike many other lesser foreign films of the last few decades, there's no awards fanfare for this earnest French production, that tells the important true story of the battle fought by a small 'provincial' medical team - against a Pharmaceutical giant peddling a deadly medication. It almost seems if your intentions are honorable in modern Film Festivals they don't particularly want to know you. While the movie's style may not always be agreeable to all tastes (with its detailed analysis), it far outshines many I've seen given rave reviews by festival critics. It certainly is an honest one - with the entire cast and crew working hard to bring this powerful true story to life. Particularly noteworthy are Sidse Babette Knudsen, as Irene Frachon who waged a near single-handed war against powerful odds. Benoit Magimel is her equal, playing her nervous collaborator. All up, this brave movie is deserving of better praise than some have given and, is well worth viewing by audiences concerned with bringing life-saving truth to the wider world.
Unlike other endless MA+ and R rated entries that premiered this month (and will run several times during the month) this entry will be hard to find (if not wasted) as World Movies will only run it once! What else could we expect from SBS and their cheap world movies channel!