Yvonne Zima (Young and the Restless's Daisy) played identical twins in their early twenties. The film sets the story about how the twins, Juliana and Debra Hansen. They live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with their mother. When their mother (Claire Rankin) wants to remarry, one of the twins is determined to stop it from the happening. The writing is pretty weak. I have to say that Yvonne Zima is the only redeeming quality in this film. Her performance as identical twins is worth watching at least once. I watched Yvonne Zima on "The Young & The Restless" as Daisy for years. It is nice to see this talented actress work her talent in a dual role performance. The film is camp and entertaining but not much else. It's also predictable even the twist of events in the film. You don't have to worry about figure out the plot. I wished Zima had better material to work with in the first place but she does a terrific job.