"Heathers" is a cult classic dark comedy starring Winona Ryder and Christian slater, which was recently adapted into a hit musical of the same name. From this came the inspiration for "The Veronica Exclusive", which brings the classic tale into the 21st Century through a vlog-style series of episodes.
An admirable concept, but one with plenty of room for error. Did they pull it off? Short answer: Yes! 100%! No doubt about it!
The editing and cinematography, courtesy of Poncho Ortega, totally nails the 21st C aspect of the series, and adds a hugely comedic touch with the "Personal Body Count" slides.
Writers spanning from Lilly Larson to Kadi Brazil (who we'll come to later) deliver huge laughs combined from select lines from the movie and musical, clever references, and some very original and laugh out loud humour! The writing is not a one trick pony, though. The budding romance between Jane and Veronica is always written to make the heart flutter, the characters are interesting and believable, and the shift from tension and suspense to comedy is seamless.
Onto the acting. Casey Caplin captures the essence of Veronica in a totally unique and hilarious way. Quirky, cute, and laugh out loud funny, she captures everything Barrett Wilbert Weed did that made the character so lovable, but does it in her own way, on her own terms, and makes a great job of it.
Megan Lambie, the lover-turned-murderer Jane Dean, develops with each episode and makes the relationship and her character feel real. She can connect with an audience, a skill hugely sought after and admirable in any actor.
Heathers' Duke and MacNamara (played by Leah E.R. and Lizzy Phipps, respectively) are always solid, consistently funny, and delivering pitch perfect interpretations of their characters.
Perhaps the comedic highlight, Roan O'Brien as Ram Sweeney is off- the-wall, unabashed, and simply amazing in his role as the big bad jock. Lyric Bowman, in a U-Turn, is the sweetest Martha ever put on screen. Her acting is good, yes, but its her in-character lovability that suits the role so well. She loves this character, and you can tell she's loving every minute of her performance, and so she should, for she does an amazing job.
And finally, Kadi Brazil herself! Simply flawless as Heather Chandler. A fleshed out character, with on point facial expression, movement, and use of voice. The star quality simply exudes from her as she lights up screens as the perfect Heather Chandler. The standout performance, no doubt.
All in all, the acting, writing, and show itself, are amazing. Fans of the musical and movie should flock to this, as it would be the best choice they've ever made. As young Casey Caplin would sign off, How Very!