Absolutely loved this pilot - Hoping to see rest of series!
There are so many horrible animated series on the market nowadays with horrible story, vocabulary, bad ideas, weak characters, broken attitude, even the animation is bad, and our poor kids think it's OK to have fun watching such movies (typcal modern cartoon: bombs, wars, explosions, body parts flying, tons of violence, sexual innuendos, tiny or semi-transparent dresses)
it's horrible what we expose our kids to – WELL THIS ONE IS FINALLY DIFFERENT!
Now 'Lost in Oz' has high quality content, good language and nice phrases to pick up, it's calm, gentle, characters nicely designed and dressed and so on. From the first minute of watching it I knew it's a great plot, movie and was happy to see some quality series coming out on the market
we really deserved it.
Then, yes we parents usually have to watch it to, either to discuss it with kids, maybe before going to sleep talk and foresee what could happen in next episode, or just accompany them.
I love animation, true colors (HDR alike) and everything. It's a kid's movie that kids should follow as an example, nothing below this is accepted for my kids and family
It's same class as a high budget Disney movie. Totally respect and love the idea.
Are there any release dates for other episodes??