Been following Jack for years on YouTube and he has always kept it clean which I admire, but as a fan of the trashy reality shows too, I have to admit that this was refreshing :).
I've seen three episodes of the show so far and enjoyed them all. I wish it was longer. Sucks that it's only a half hour. The comedy is excellent and I certainly enjoy being able to laugh at all the funny moments that are there. I believe that the best comedies are the ones that can keep us laughing. Everyone including myself enjoys pranks and Jack is so good at this. My favorite episode is the one in which he says that he wants to steal a purse out loud knowing there are women with purses and an officer nearby. Ha ha, I thought he was going to be arrested at first. Afterwards he looked at people and the reactions on their faces after what he said. They either walked away, or turned around. This one about stealing purses is the one that made me laugh fit to bust for some reason. It's still got me cracking up even now as I write about it! It takes a true talent to be a comedian and especially a prankster.