The Taking of Tiger Mountain is an epic action movie directed by Tsui Hark and stars Zhang Hanyu, Lin Gengxin, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Yu Nan and Tong Liya.
I haven't read or heard about the incident on which the movie is made so i'll not get into the debate of how close the movie is to reality but will only review on the basis of watching a movie.
The movie is a decently entertaining movie and the movie has it's flaws as well as it's strength and overall the movie is good one time watch movie.
The acting in the movie is good and Zhang Hanyu had done a tremendous job and is the most shining among them all, Lin Gengxin was impressive, Tony Leung Ka-fai had a strong role of The Hawk and was effective. Rest of the support staff were either superb or decent.
Screenplay of the movie is fairly decent but the continuity pace is missing from the movie and sometimes the movie looks slow however it will not loose the grip from the viewers, the length of the movie could've been trimmed a little to make the movie more gripping. The movie is said to be a war movie but war scenes are very limited.
The fighting scenes of the movie is good but doesn't looks convincing and looked unnatural, the climax of the movie seems to be shot in a hurry as i was expecting some decent war but the movie ends quickly.
Some of the scenes were shot beautifully such as the fight with the tiger. Overall the movie is decently entertaining, the war movie lovers might be disappointed with limited war scenes, The movie is a decently one time watch movie.