The movie starts out interesting enough. An ordinary man named Bob jumps the Camp David fence in his underwear in order "to get on the 11 o'clock news." Instead he's thrown into a mental asylum and threatens to commit suicide when the doctor tells him he will never be famous. He's given a heavy sedative and is knocked out cold. I get all that. After this moment, the film turns into "A Beautiful Mind" type movie because you're never sure if what Bob is going through is real or imagined. I guess it doesn't matter because when the story surprisingly veers off into an escape to assassinate Bin Laden, you're hooked. Full of laughs, adventure, and conflicted characters, what keeps you paying attention is to find out if all the people Bob encounters is real or just a dream. This is an unusual low budget movie as it takes on such a big story. But except for some minor flaws, Crazy Famous manages to pull it off.