It pains me to leave a review like this but I'm doing so because the acting was not up to par. It was cringey to watch in certain parts. Batya Cruz (Martha) did a great job acting and really fit well into her role.
The plot was easy to predict about 20 minutes in. It was a pretty flat, straightforward, one dimensional plot no twists or turns. There wasnt much character depth. The characters seemed hollow like puppets even. Other characters came off as very annoying. Maia Kavchak (Mindy) was a decent actress for this film but I feel the role was too small for her acting. She would be best cast in a role with more flexibility, more range. This role was too restricting for her acting. She did great for what she was given.
The character dialogue was also pretty basic; a lot of shouting and swearing. Visually it was also very basic.
In short, I feel this was poorly cast. A different cast (keeping Batya Cruz) and a revamped plot to make it not so predictable and flat could save this moving.