Seeing something like this makes your expectations hit zero. I just wanted a dumb fun horror flick for the evening and I kind of got that actually. There is a lot to be desired in terms of it being a good movie and I actually think it goes down 2 bad rabbits holes for itself but this is a kill count movie, it´s all about killing and that's it. Also seeing this is based on a short, it would probably work better if it stayed that way.
A chemical spill hits a pumpkin field and a killer pumpkin awakes seeing how we treat pumpkins around Halloween.
One of the big mistakes this movie makes it making me hate the main characters later and actually gain too much sympathy for the monster. I understand the desire to want to create a more complex creature but I turn into team pumpkin late into the movie with our main characters turning sadist in the worst way possible. I am supposed to be on the humans side, why are you making me hate them? I don´t know if it was intentional or not which is also a problem. Either the creator is more heartless than me or I was supposed to hate the humans all along.
I liked the overall idea and concept. It´s fun and having g a killer pumpkin feels different and it´s motivation makes sense to me. Overall a fun designed well-made creature from a movie like this!
The effects however are a bit off. Clearly the greenscreen and effects team didn´t have that much to work with and the sparingly looks at the monster makes sense and makes you reminisce of older monster movies where you would built up the reveal of the killer. Here it´s more of a limitation issue and it shows.
The movie can feel a bit Kiddish. A bit low brow, overexplaining elements, having romance for no reason having over acting characters. It´s clearly a Stranger Things(2026-now) vibe to it for better and worst. This is a horror comedy according to the cover so I guess the more loss tone fits. The comedy isn´t that good though.
This movie has too many characters for what it is. Everyone seem to have quirk and be important but the movie has no time to set them up enough for us to care that much. It even dares to try to have great emotional beats and plotlines with surface levelled characters and that is the second great flaw the movie has.
Is this a good movie? Not really but it was fun enough and the overall concept and idea I was a fan of. I think it deserved to be remade a bit better since I liked the concept that much, but the lack of character in a movie that wants it and the cowards way of calling your movie horror comedy because some things didn´t land that well makes the movie fall into the worse category.