An American Archeology professor meets a Maltan beekeeper...and they run smack into each other, for a slightly contentious first meeting. This is followed by a second meeting when she discovers he is afraid of bees and he discovers she doesn't revere ancient texts the way he does...but once they discover an ancient fresco, the two work together to solve it's mysteries. The fresco acts as a sort of map that leads them around Malta to some ancient ruins and with gold in the title could it be that they are actually looking for treasure? Lots of interesting facts about honey and bees, which makes them the true star of this Hallmark romance.
I really liked having a more mature female lead and I always enjoy Andrew Walker...I think having him take his shirt off was unnecessary, but I did like that he was mechanically inclined and learned from his father such a practical skill as to be able to fix her vehicle (especially since he was afraid of bees). Overall, this was a cute coming together of two working professionals who had loved and lost in the past. They were well suited for each other and I think romantics will enjoy this film.
" I love finding a piece of history that gives you a window to the past."