"Who Killed WCW?" is an exceptional TV series that dives deep into the rise and fall of World Championship Wrestling. This series is a must-watch for wrestling fans and those intrigued by the entertainment industry's complexities.
The series combines archival footage, interviews, and expert analysis to offer a thorough look at the factors leading to WCW's collapse. The production quality is outstanding, with episodes skillfully edited to balance historical depth and entertainment. Interviews with wrestling legends and former WCW employees provide firsthand accounts of the backstage drama, creative clashes, and financial missteps that plagued the organization.
One of the series' standout aspects is how it captures the fact that nobody can agree on what killed WCW, with everyone blaming someone different. This diversity of opinions adds depth to the narrative, illustrating the complexity of the situation. The series doesn't shy away from highlighting Vince Russo's role, portraying him as delusional in his assessment of his contributions and decisions.
The storytelling is enhanced by a mix of dramatic reenactments and actual footage, keeping viewers consistently engaged. The series' balanced approach offers a nuanced perspective on the various elements that led to WCW's downfall, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions. In my opinion WCW was killed by a combination of internal suicide coinciding with the rise of Stone Cold & The Rock. Death was inevitable.
In summary, "Who Killed WCW?" is a brilliantly crafted series offering an in-depth and captivating exploration of one of wrestling's most dramatic stories. Its insightful analysis, compelling storytelling, and high production values make it a standout documentary. For anyone interested in professional wrestling or entertainment dynamics, this series is an absolute must-watch.