Watched this dubbed version and am now convinced I need to watch it in the original Spanish, which I imagine (I hope!) provides the texture, the sensuality, the richness that is sorely lacking in the English dubbing. Production values are uncommonly high which give the film its consistently stunning appeal. I won't comment on the acting because it was so compromised by the dubbing...why isn't the voice actors' work of a higher caliber, one befitting the story and the production?
An integral storyline is buried until near the end: The writer Geel's criminal act is a 'copycat' of one committed by the more famous Chilean author María Luisa Bombal. The film's title-and indeed, entire narrative-takes on greater resonance when that fact is underscored, which it's not in this film, except for a fleeting reference toward the film's end. The titular phrase, "in her place," makes more sense when that factual, fascinating detail is revealed-too late, unfortunately. Why did Geel follow in Bombal's footsteps, criminally speaking? Was she trying to accrue to herself some of the more famous writer's biographical reality (and allure)--just as Mercedes temporarily takes on aspects of Geel's glamorous, glittery life? There is so much exceptionally rich terrain that was left uncovered by the filmmaker here!