Based on "The Golden Cockerel" (short story written by Mexico's Juan Rulfo and published posthumously), this 2023 production is innovative and remains true to the spirit of the author's vision. This 2023 production marks the return of Mexico's greatest talent, Lucero Hogaza Leon, to the small screen and she does not disappoint as she portrays Bernarda Cutiño, a woman blessed with charisma, beauty, and talent, but cursed with her grandmother's and mother's ability to bring luck to the man she is with. As a result, Bernarda is not one to give her heart away easily.
While this production deviates from the original short story, the spirit of Rulfo's work is very evident. Lucero more than rises to the challenge of portraying a character vastly different from any other role she's played on television or on the movie screen (that's saying much considering she starred in her first television show when she was12 years old); supported by an amazing group of actors starting with José Ron (Dionosio Pinzon) and Plutarco Haza (Lorenzo Benavides), it is easy to see why Hollywood came calling for Lucero.
This production does not disappoint. It's a slow boil-the director doesn't go for the quick resolution. Everyone involved knew all the ingredients for success were there but it has surpassed all expectations.